Events Calendar

10 10
Location: Burnaby Hospital - 3935 Kincaid Street, Burnaby
1000 - 1400
13 13
Location: Ridge Meadows Hospital - 11666 Laity Street, Maple Ridge and Maple Ridge Seniors Village - 22141 119 Ave. Maple Ridge
1000 - 1600
14 14
Location: Peace Arch Hospital and Delta Hospital
1100 - 1400 & 1515 - 1715
09 09
Location: Commercial Drive
0800 - 2000
29 29
Location: William Lake/Merrit/Kamloops/Vernon
0800 - 1700
08 08
Location: Downtown Victoria
0900 - 1300
14 14
Location: Creston Valley Farmers’ Market - Market Park, just behind the Visitor Centre off Cook Street, Creston
0900 - 1300
16 16
Location: East Kootenay Regional Hospital - 13 - 24th Avenue N, Cranbrook
1100 - 1400
01 01
Location: Multiple Locations
0830 - 1600

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