Collective bargaining unites us in the fight for better wages, stronger benefits, and safer working conditions. It’s also a means to advocate for patients, safeguard nursing practice, push for safe staffing levels, and create healthy workplaces for all health-care workers.
Together, we aim to secure a collective agreement that reflects our members’ priorities. Negotiations can be tough, but by standing together, we amplify our voice and fight for meaningful improvements – for both nurses and the communities we serve.
Have Your Say: NBA Bargaining Survey
We want to hear from members covered by the Nurses' Bargaining Association (NBA) collective agreement ahead of the upcoming provincial negotiations. Your input will shape the priorities the Provincial Bargaining Committee brings to the table.
Share what matters most to you:
Take the NBA Bargaining Survey
Learn More About Our Bargaining Efforts
- Bargaining Process
- NBA Provincial Bargaining Committee
- Job Action Committees
- Bargaining Successes
- Educational Resources
Contact Us
Members are encouraged to email the union at to share their bargaining priorities, issues and concerns.
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Annual Report