Campaigns and Initiatives

BCNU campaigns have succeeded in winning more staffing, preserving services and convincing managers to listen and value nurses' solutions. From the province-wide violence campaign to past campaigns such as Speak Up and Speak Out, we tackle issues that impact our members, the patients they care for, and the communities they live in. BCNU also works with community groups to alleviate poverty and improve public health care, workplace equity and the environment.

Featured Campaigns

Safety and Heath Week Campaign

Safety and Health Week

This year, to recognize Safety and Health week, BCNU has launched an online contest asking members to share ideas on how to improve physical and psychological safety at work. We believe that together, nurses can create safer workplaces. LEARN MORE.

Not Okay Campaign TOC

Not Okay

Nurses providing care are subjected to serious health and safety risks every day – and it’s not okay. LEARN MORE.


UPDATED: May 09, 2024
Constitution & Bylaws
Constitution and Bylaws
Annual Report
Annual Report Cover 2023-2024

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