Contract Interpretation Manual

Contract Interpretation Manual 2024

It is important that members covered by the Nurses' Bargaining Association (NBA) provincial collective agreement understand the key concepts of the agreement between the NBA and the Health Employers Association of British Columbia. BCNU's Contract Interpretation Manual has been developed as a resource for members and includes current union interpretation of individual articles of the agreement, as well as references to other related resources.  

Please use the most current (April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2025) NBA collective agreement to cross reference language in the interpretation manual. 

If you have questions on current interpretations, please consult a steward. Stewards should consult their Labour Relations Officer before relying on this document.

The Contract Interpretation Manual is now available on the member portal. 


UPDATED: June 20, 2024
Constitution & Bylaws
Constitution and Bylaws
Annual Report
Annual Report Cover 2023-2024

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