Crucial Conversations

Have you ever witnessed someone say exactly what needed to be said, while remaining calm and respectful, when everyone else was afraid to say a word? Or have you seen someone respond to a personal attack with tact and diplomacy, so that a productive dialogue followed instead of a fight? Crucial Conversations will assist you in recognizing high stakes situations before they escalate into crisis. This course teaches stewards methods to restore safety when conversations take a turn for the worse. Participants learn how to use a set of dialogue skills to achieve mutual objectives while maintaining mutual respect. Whether in a professional or a personal context, the techniques are easy to learn and can be practiced in small steps until mastered, helping transform stewards’ ability to communicate effectively - when it counts the most.

Course Format:

On-demand online course – 6 week access.


  • Must be registered as a BCNU steward. 


If you do not see a current opportunity listed, please check back.

UPDATED: April 12, 2024
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