Bursaries and Funding

Image of Natalie Chambers bursary recipient

BCNU Bursaries

Learn more about our education bursaries: 

The Debra McPherson Member Education Bursary for all members including employed student nurses.

The Indigenous Member Bursaryfor BCNU members and student members, reflects the union’s ongoing support for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s 94 Calls to Action, in particular the call to increase the number of Indigenous professionals in health care.

The Indigenous Student Nurse Education Bursary for Indigenous BCNU student members who are studying to become LPNs, RNs and RPNs, including those currently working as an employed student nurse (ESNs). 

The Internationally Educated Nurse Bursary for internationally-educated nurses (IENs) to assist with expenses associated with licensing through the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives. The award covers tuition, textbooks and registration fees only,

The Student Nurse Advocacy Bursary for students who align with BCNU shared values and beliefs, builds relationships and recognizes the contributions that students make to furthering social justice within a diversified membership.

The Student Nurse Education Bursary for student LPNs, RNs and RPNs who are BCNU student members and aren't currently working as an employed student nurse (ESN). 

The Student Nurse with Disability Bursary for student LPNs, RNs, and RPNs who are BCNU student members and identify as a person with disabilities. 

Financial Support

Other avenues of financial support: 

The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) Scholarship Fund to assist students in accredited nursing education programs.

The Humanitarian Mission Fund helps you work in aid projects around the world. 

The New Nurse Assistance Fund helps internationally-educated and newly graduated nurses qualify to practice and succeed in BC. 

The Prevention and Assistance Fund for nurses who lose jobs at worksites not directly owned by health authorities (affiliates). 

Registered Nurses Foundation of BC offers a number of bursaries available to student nurses, RNs or both.

UPDATED: January 26, 2024
Annual Report
Annual Report Cover 2023-2024

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