Current Issue

Update Magazine: Spring 2024 Cover

In this Issue

The spring 2024 issue of Update Magazine includes a feature on minimum nurse-to-patient ratios that provides you with the background you need on this critical policy solution. Learn more about the contract gains benefiting Nurses’ Bargaining Association members and read our interview with community nurse Chris Bigelow-Nutall on the challenges of caring for those most at risk during the ongoing toxic drug crisis.

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Featured Articles
Update magazine - Spring 2024 - Health Care Made Better
Health Care Made Better

The 2022-25 Nurses’ Bargaining Association contract is unprecedented in the history of nurses’ collective bargaining in the province. The gains in the agreement are helping to deliver the health care patients expect and

Update magazine - Spring 2024 - Save House Save Lives
Safe Hours Save Lives

A new report from the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions shines light on impact of exhaustion in the workplace, and reveals how long shifts and a shortage of staff are putting patients and health-care workers at risk

Update Magazine: Spring 2024 - Nurse to Patient Ratio
Nurse-To-Patient Ratios are Coming to BC

Chronically short staffed and facing burnout, BC nurses have been struggling to provide patients with the care they deserve. Now, a critical policy solution promises to improve patient care and secure the nurses we need.

Update Magazine: Spring 2024 - Caring in a Dangerous Time
Caring In A Dangerous Time

Ongoing unregulated drug toxicity deaths have nurses and others calling for stronger action to confront the public health crisis. Harm reduction advocates like Chris Bigelow-Nuttall say far more resources and leadership

Update Magazine: Spring 2024 - Internationally Educated Nurses' Experiences Still Full of Challenges
Internationally Educated Nurses' Experiences Still Full of Challenges

Internationally educated nurses (IENs) are badly needed to help address the nursing shortage, yet face many unnecessary delays and hurdles. BCNU, along with the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions and World Education

Update Magazine: Spring 2024 - Rewriting The Nursing Narrative
Rewriting The Nursing Narrative

Author Daphne Leonie Wright always knew she was interested in writing, but it was her work as a nurse that finally encouraged her to publish a book inspired by her career in health care.

UPDATED: November 24, 2022

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