Crucial Conversations: On Demand

Have you ever witnessed someone say exactly what needed to be said while remaining calm and respectful when everyone else was afraid to say a word? Or have you seen someone respond to a personal attack with tact and diplomacy, so that a productive dialogue followed instead of a fight? Crucial Conversations helps you recognize high stakes situations before they escalate into crises.

This course teaches BCNU members methods to bring interactions back to a safe place when conversations take a turn for the worse. Participants learn dialogue skills to respectfully achieve mutual objectives. the techniques are easy to learn and can be practiced in small steps until mastered, helping transform your ability to communicate effectively when it counts the most.

Course Format

On demand: self-paced online asynchronous learning

How To Apply

Visit the BCNU Event Calendar

Course Requirements

Participants must be BCNU members.

Salary Reimbursement

Salary reimbursement does not apply for on-demand courses. Members receive free course access for approximately one year and must provide their certificate of completion to for their union records.


If you do not see a current opportunity listed, please check back.

UPDATED: January 13, 2025
Member Education

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