BC Nurses' Union Condemns Seniors' Care Homes' Cost Cutting at Residents' Expense

May 17, 2016
President Gayle Duteil says George Derby Centre is ground zero in fight for safe patient care for seniors, in speech at annual convention

President Gayle Duteil condemned the budget-cutting measures some care homes are using to save money, in a speech to over 500 nurses at the annual BCNU convention.

"Increasingly, we see care homes trying to cut costs on the backs of vulnerable seniors. At the George Derby Centre, veterans are being used as pawns in an attempt to save money by laying off all the nurses," said Duteil. "We will fight tooth and nail to defend safe patient care for seniors - and all British Columbians - in the health care system."

Duteil said BCNU will be vigilant in ensuring the health authorities implement the new contract ratified by nurses last week. "BCNU will hold the health authorities accountable for hiring adequate nursing staff, reducing inappropriate on-call and providing specialty education programs. The nursing shortage crisis will continue unless there is long-term funding for specialty education for nurses."

Nurses will hold a vigil outside the George Derby Centre tonight after 7:30 pm to protest the loss of quality nursing care for residents that could occur if planned nursing layoffs go ahead as early as June.

Tonight, after 7:30pm
7550 Cumberland Street, Burnaby

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