North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH) May 3-9, 2015

April 28, 2015
Safe nurses equal safe patient care

Workplace injury hurts everyone. When a nurse is not safe, the patient is not safe.

Since 1997 people across North America dedicate one week a year to raising awareness about the importance of safety at work, at home, and in the community. Across the country, NAOSH week events and activities are coordinated by local, regional and provincial committees who share a vision of safe and healthy work places.

During NAOSH week BCNU stewards across BC will be providing opportunities to learn about health and safety issues and want to hear about your experience day-to-day on the job. Watch for posters and displays at your workplace.

What you can learn during NAOSH week:

  • What to do when you have experienced a violent incident.
  • What steps to follow if you have experienced a sharps injury or other blood or body fluid exposure at work.
  • What to do if you are experiencing a repetitive strain injury at work.
  • How to report and resolve unsafe situations in the workplace, before they cause harm.
  • Who your OH&S Steward/Representative is and who sits on your Joint Occupational Health and Safety committee and how these people can get help you to resolve workplace health and safety issues.

"You can join the learning environment during NAOSH week by contacting your workplace stewards or JOHS committee representative(s) to participate in local events."

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