Nanaimo nurses to celebrate Nursing Week with barbeque Monday

May 10, 2013
Members of the public are welcome to join nurses outside NRGH for food, coffee and conversation from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. Look for the BCNU campaign bus

Nurses at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital will celebrate Nursing Week on Monday May 13, with their annual barbeque outside the hospital.

Members of the public are welcome to join nurses for food, coffee and conversation at the event which will run from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. May 13 is also LPN Day across the country.

Nurses have invited all the provincial political candidates to drop-in and discuss healthcare and nursing issues. Currently NRGH nurses are campaigning against a plan that would reduce the number of nursing positions at the hospital and replace them with positions for care aides. Several candidates say they want a review of the plan because of the potential impact on patient care.

The barbeque will be held behind the rehab entrance off Boundry Road. Look for the BC Nurses' Union's campaign bus.

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