BCNU Elections 2020: Members Elect Provincial and Regional Leaders

August 21, 2020
Successful candidates announced

The voting period for the BC Nurses' Union 2020 elections has closed. The BCNU Nominations Committee wishes to congratulate all of the successful candidates. The following members are confirmed elected to union's Provincial Executive Committee:

President: Christine Sorensen
Vice-President: Aman Grewal
Treasurer: Sharon Sponton
Executive Councillor - OHS and Mental Health: Aida Herrera
Executive Councillor - Pensions and Seniors' Health: Michelle Sordal

Full results of the provincial and regional elections will be published on the BCNU website later today.

The Nominations Committee wishes to thank the candidates who ran in this year's elections and BCNU members who took time out of their busy schedules to cast their votes. Terms for all positions start Sept. 1, 2020.

The Nominations Committee is pleased to report the highest rate of voter participation since the committee began overseeing elections in 2014. Voter participation in this year's elections increased by more than 22 percent over the 2017 elections.

The increase in voter participation can be attributed to a number of factors, including:

  • The scheduling of all-candidates telephone town halls during the voting period that increased interest in the provincial election and reached more members than the all-candidates forums previously held during BCNU conventions. This resulted in a doubling of the number of votes cast following each town hall.
  • The sending of test emails ahead of the voting period to ensure fewer email ballots bounced when sent by the independent voting platform vendor, and the sending of reminder emails encouraging BCNU members to vote.

Please email if you have any questions regarding this year's elections.

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