New $20 Million Fund to Provide Financial Support for LPN Members Obtaining RN or RPN Designation

November 22, 2023
Fund intends to make career advancement more attainable for nurses

BCNU is pleased to have successfully negotiated one-time funding from the Province of BC to support LPN members with an opportunity to advance their education and careers. Through this one-time $20-million funding agreement, LPNs wishing to obtain their RN or RPN designation now have access to up to $3,000 each semester to go towards the cost of tuition.

The total cost to upgrade an LPN designation is approximately $30,000 and requires nurses to complete up to 36 months of classes in-person or online. This new funding will ease the financial burden on nurses to upgrade their qualifications, allowing experienced nurses and health-care workers to advance their careers.

BCNU believes this new initiative will encourage LPNs to upgrade their designation which will help to support the RN and RPN staffing requirements needed to successfully implement and maintain minimum nurse-patient ratios.

Eligible LPN members who apply for the fund will be entitled to a lifetime maximum of $20,000 to put toward the cost of tuition for an accredited RN or RPN program anywhere in Canada. LPNs must be employed at a worksite covered by the Nurses’ Bargaining Association (NBA) collective agreement, be in good standing and have at least three years’ working experience as an LPN to be considered eligible.

Frequently asked questions, full eligibility criteria and the link to access the application form are available on the new LPN to RN/RPN Laddering Fund page.

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