Settlement Agreement Reached in Statutory Holiday Rescheduling Industry-Wide Application Dispute

June 04, 2024
Agreement will allow members to reschedule 26 paid holidays per calendar year

BCNU is pleased to report that it has reached an impactful settlement agreement with the Health Employers Association of BC regarding the rescheduling of paid (statutory or rotational) holidays. The parties arrived at this agreement after lengthy arbitration and mediation. John Hall was the arbitrator and mediator and remains seized of any matter or dispute pertaining to this agreement.

On a go-forward basis, with no retroactivity, a nurse will be entitled to have their paid holiday rescheduled when they work a shift on a day originally scheduled as a paid holiday without 14 calendar days advance notice. A nurse may have 26 such “scheduling events” per calendar year. For clarity, the 26 scheduling events may be counted as 1 stat rescheduled 26 times or 13 stats rescheduled 2 times or in any other configuration.

Where the rescheduling cap has been reached, and a nurse works a shift on a subsequent scheduled paid holiday without 14 calendar days advance notice, they will receive a day’s pay at straight time in lieu instead of having their paid holiday rescheduled.

Upon a nurse’s request, the employer will provide confirmation of the number of rescheduling events the nurse has had in the current calendar year.

The contract interpretation manual will be updated shortly to reflect this settlement agreement.

Read the settlement agreement.

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