Special Elections Coming Up for New Senior Nurses’ Network

January 09, 2025
Sixteen regional human rights and equity representatives to be elected in January

Elections are being held this month for member representatives to serve on the new Senior Nurses’ Network.

The network was established following a resolution brought to BCNU’s 2024 convention. The network will advocate for members who are 55 years and older and will include a human rights and equity representative from each of the union’s 16 regions.

Call for Nominations

A call for nominations opens on Monday, Jan. 13 at 12 p.m. noon PST and closes Monday, Jan. 27 at 12 p.m. noon PST.

Members who wish to be nominated must self-identify with the network. To self-identify, please login to the BCNU Member Portal and click on the ‘demographic information’ tab found under the ‘My Profile’ section. Select “Senior Nurses’ Network (for nurses 55 years and older)”.


Voting will be based on the number of nominations received in each region. If required, a three-day online voting period will be open from Tuesday, Jan. 28 at 12 p.m. noon PST to Friday, Jan. 31 at 12 p.m. noon PST. Voting will take place via the BCNU Member Portal.

Members wishing to vote for their region’s Senior Nurses’ Network representative must visit the BCNU Member Portal and self-identify with the network prior to the close of nominations on Jan. 27. Self-identification is not available during the voting period in order to preserve the integrity of the voting process.

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