Join your BCNU Run for the Cure team today and enter to win an IPad mini!

July 31, 2015
Since 2007, BCNU has supported the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation CIBC Run for the Cure by donating generously and by recruiting enthusiastic BCNU members to run or walk on its local teams throughout the province.

This year's CIBC Run for the Cure will be held on October 4th in nine communities across British Columbia.

This year, BCNU wants to challenge its members by increasing the number of BCNU-specific team participants. If you've participated before on another team - BCNU is now asking you to join a team this year.

Every BCNU member who joins a BCNU team will have their name entered into a random draw to win an IPad mini. Check the website regularly for other exciting individual and team incentives coming soon.

BCNU is also encouraging every participant to reach their own personal fundraising goal for such an important cause that provides hope, support and a quality of life to those living with breast cancer and their families.

Raising the profile of nurses is so critical right now to ensure a future for public health care and safe patient care.

BCNU is a regional sponsor of this amazing event and has a major role to play in health care in British Columbia.

By contributing outside of your workplace and in your community it shows the general public that you really do care - about them, health care and the people you care for on a daily basis!

Read about how to join the team here.

There are many other good reasons to join. Do you have a story to share about you or a loved one's experience with breast cancer? If so, please share it with us by emailing

And finally, if you have already signed up on another team please let BCNU know who you are and what team you've joined by emailing so that we can show British Columbians how many nurses are supporting breast cancer research across BC.

Get your running shoes on today and join BCNU at the Run for the Cure!

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