Retired Nurses

Retired Nurses

Resources and Information

As retired nurses, your continued support for nurses and our profession is invaluable. Thank you for your continued interest and support - here are links to information that may be valuable to you: 

Stay Connected with BCNU

Retired Member eNews is our periodic newsletter that keeps you to up to date on issues and BCNU initiatives relevant to your retirement. 

Not receiving the eNews? Join the mailing list. Please send a request to and provide the following information:

  • First and Last Name
  • Last known email provided to BCNU
  • Current email address
  • Name of the worksite from where you retired
  • Phone and current address

Retirement Gift

Thinking about retiring? To help you recognize this career milestone, BCNU offers a gift to nurses when they retire. For more information, log in to the Member Portal and contact your steward.

Already retired? Contact the current regional council member in the region you retired to ask how you can receive your gift.

UPDATED: June 25, 2024
Annual Report
Annual Report Cover 2023-2024
Current Issue
Update Magazine: Spring 2024 icon

Read our Spring 2024 issue now!

If you are NOT receiving updates, news, and events emailed to you, log in to the BCNU Member Portal and update your information.