Provincial Election of BCNU Executive Councillors Underway

November 25, 2017
Election to take place mid-December following resolution of an outstanding related arbitration

BCNU's Provincial Nominations Committee has confirmed the election of the remaining seats on the BCNU Provincial Executive Council will now proceed. Earlier this year, the election of two executive councillors was postponed with the understanding that it would be re-scheduled to take place no later than January 2018.

In April 2017, BCNU Council voted to declare Todd Decker, a candidate running for one of the positions of executive councillor, to no longer be a member in good standing. A decision has now been reached by an independent arbitrator confirming that Decker's status will remain as not in good standing, which prohibits him from participating as a candidate in the next two election cycles. In his decision, Arbitrator Tom Hodges notes not only was the disciplinary action taken by BCNU warranted, the facts established during the hearing were significant enough in their potential impact on the union and members to justify BCNU's response.

A second call for nominations for these positions will not be necessary, as the election was deferred and not cancelled. Therefore, all nominations as received at the close of the nominations period for the general election held May 23 - June 2, will now proceed. The following candidates will be running for the two executive councillor positions:

  • Chris Armeanu
  • Lorne Burkart
  • Adriane Gear

The term of office will commence as soon as possible following the close of voting and announcement of the results.

Voting will be online; polls will open December 11 - 18, 2017.

For the most up-to-date information, please visit the BCNU elections page.

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