Candidate Responsibilities

The BCNU Constitution and Bylaws, as well as Policy 5.2.8 outlines general information regarding elections. However, there is need for clarity regarding candidate responsibilities during an election. The provincial Nominations Committee has the authority under the Constitution and Bylaws to manage elected officer elections, provide this clarity, and remedy any complaints regarding candidate compliance with responsibilities.

BCNU members, including BCNU Council, are entitled to the right and the freedom to express their support or non-support for a candidate of choice, which may include the endorsing of an individual candidate or slate. However, members filling temporary staff positions, members of the Nominations Committee, and Regional Nomination Representatives are not entitled to the right and freedom to express their support or non-support for a candidate of choice, including the endorsing of an individual candidate or slate.

Candidates must comply with the BCNU Constitution and Bylaws, relevant union policies, the collective agreement, labour legislation, and any other relevant legislation such as the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and the Workers Compensation Act.

All candidates, both provincial and regional, must comply with the following requirements, conduct, responsibilities and guidelines.

Eligibility Requirements
Candidate Conduct
Candidate Responsibilities: Public Health and Occupational Health and Safety
Campaign Materials
Contact With the Nominations Committee
UPDATED: May 17, 2024
Our Choice. Our Voice.
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