News and Events

Consent award and process agreement reached for members impacted by vaccination orders
May 23, 2024
Unions are working with government and health employers to ensure fair removal of order
January 17, 2023
Rescheduling and acknowledgement of paid holidays, mandatory vaccination policies and application of sick leave provisions at issue
December 13, 2022
Government and health employers release timeline for removal of order
November 17, 2022
Staffing restrictions at facilities to be fully lifted at end of year
October 20, 2022
Union continues call for amendments to Provincial PPE Allocation Framework to recognize aerosol transmission of COVID-19
February 04, 2022
Nurses' first-hand accounts from around the province describe the deterioration of patient care
February 03, 2022
Union raising concerns over plans to staff system with COVID-positive health care workers
December 31, 2021
Latest research highlights harsh reality from the frontlines and future impacts on nurse staffing levels across BC
November 25, 2021
Information for members seeking accommodation for medical reasons
October 20, 2021

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