Care Model Changes

Across BC, health authorities are looking to save money and provide care in new ways. A favourite line they use is "right place, right time, right provider". The problem is their definition of "right" is often wrong, as it ignores evidence warning against replacing nurses with unregulated care aides or other providers. If safe patient care was really the goal, care aides and others would be added to existing teams. BCNU opposes all changes that intensify already high nurse workloads and jeopardize safe patient care. We have been and will continue to campaign hard against these changes.
What are the signs of care model changes?
- Surveys asking you to identify the parts of your job you think someone else could do.
- Time and motion studies (also referred to as "functional analysis") that have someone following you around with a stopwatch, recording the time it takes to perform specific tasks.
- Additional care aides being trained or hired.
If you see any of these signs, talk to your steward or a member of your regional executive.
- The PRF process
- Contract Language
- Signs of Care Model Changes - information sheet